Anti-Burnout Secret to Solopreneur Success!

How to get control of your time, design perfect-for-you lifestyle, and finally get moving on your business goals...

...WITHOUT working longer hours, waking up at 4am, or feeling defeated

Get my signature 3- part plan for how to design perfect-for-you business!

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    Natasha Zaytseva

    Business/Executive Coach

    Who am I?

    After almost 2 decades of helping Fortune 500 companies exceed their executive business goals, I decided to do what I really love and that's helping solopreneurs live the life their always dreamed of! I want you to achieve true TIME FREEDOM - without falling into the trap of overwhelm, frustration and exhaustion!

    What will you receive?

    • A 3 step formula to anchor your success
    • How to prioritize the most import things in your business
    • A weekly planner to keep your FOCUSED